Virtualization Services

Virtualization can be defined as a method that divides a traditional server into multiple virtual servers. These logical servers are each capable of running an OS for themselves and when bundled with other resources, applications using them will believe them to be an actual server instead of a virtual component of a physical server that they actually are.

With the use of a hypervisor, any server, called as a host machine, is capable of being divided into multiple environments, called as virtual instances. Each virtual instance will run independently as a separate layer atop the actual physical layer lying behind it. This will potentially increase the capability of a traditional server to run multiple operating systems at the same time with each virtual instance being utilized by a different set of applications.

Benefits of virtualization:

  1. The capacity of the hardware is utilized to its maximum strength as it is distributed among multiple environments.
  2. Cost effective, again, as the resources are utilized to their maximum capability.
  3. Downtime is almost negligible when compared to the traditional server environment.
  4. Better disaster recovery as it is easy to swiftly shift the virtual machines elsewhere with an appropriate recreation of network addressing scheme.
  5. Reduced energy consumption and IT infrastructure.
  6. Increased staff productivity as less infrastructure required for maintenance.

Acro IT solutions specializes in the following virtualizations.

Application virtualization

This type of virtualization is a technology wherein an application can be used anywhere without being installed. This will enable the users to access an app without having to install in every device that they would wish to access on.

Desktop virtualization

This is a technology wherein the desktop environment is separated from the actual physical device. Hence, the need for accessing personalized applications is easier irrespective of the physical client device that the user logs in.

Hardware virtualization

This type of virtualization is the common and often interchangeable with the term virtualization itself. It is a process where a layer is created to separate the software from the hardware that it accesses.

Network virtualization

This type of virtualization creates a logical network from the underlying software and hardware network resources on a particular network. Hence, it gives the ability to run networks that are decoupled from the dependent hardware.

Storage virtualization

This type of virtualization is to pool together all the storage across all devices, so that the physical hardware is presented as a one giant logical representation.